Know Your Purpose.
Help People.

The Purpose Factor™ discovery system taught to the U.S. Military and promised to unlock the keys to success.

Know Your Purpose.
Help People.

The Purpose Factor® discovery system taught to the U.S. Military and promised to unlock the keys to success by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Tony Dungy

We Help People Discover Their Exact Purpose and Experience Total Life Breakthrough

Welcome to Purpose Mastery™

Purpose Mastery gives you the process to get out of your own way, gain traction in every area of your life, and create a life around your exact purpose. 

We help you determine what to do first, what to do next, and the secret to turning your potential energy into real energy. How? We show you how to line them up and knock them down one by one (like Dominos) – to live your happiest and most fulfilled. 

Get a proven system, follow the specific sequence, join a movement, and reprogram your life around your exact purpose. 
Brian Bosché and Gabrielle Bosché Have Been Featured in Media Outlets Like:

Brian Bosché and Gabrielle Bosché Have Been Featured in Media Outlets Like Bloomberg, Forbes, SiriusXM Satellite Radio, Business Insider, NPR, SUCCESS Magazine and Fast Company.

Why Purpose Mastery?

  • ​Increase Fulfillment In Every Area of Your Life
  • Decrease Anxiety About What You “Should” Do
  • ​Increase Clarity About What You Must Do Next
  • Decrease Distraction Keeping You From Happiness
  • ​Increase Income (Short Term and Long Term)
  • ​Decrease Feelings of “Running Out of Time”
  • ​Increase Impact, Legacy, and Happiness

Purpose Mastery™ was created to help regular people who feel stuck in the day-to-day, escape the mundane and finally live a life that is extraordinary. 

Max fulfillment isn’t magic, it’s cause and effect.

We help manic “do-it-all” addicts

Purpose Mastery gives individuals laser-focused solutions that lead to life-changing results. Whether that’s figuring out what to do next with your life, go beyond "working for a paycheck," getting clarity about your purpose, or leaving a meaningful legacy – we give you the building blocks to make it happen.

Get control of their life and gain clarity for the future

You feel like you should have more figured out by now. You wonder if you should write a book, start a blog – do anything to share your experience and feel like you’re helping people. But you don’t know where to start, and are terrified you’ll make the wrong decision. Stop wasting valuable time and start living the life of your dreams. 

Here's how it works

Step 1: Find Your Purpose  >>>  Step 2: Use It To Help Others  >>>  Step 3: Experience Max Fulfillment in Life and Work

Dismantle Mental Blockades

Purpose Mastery is a next-generation methodology to rethink your life, your impact, and what you can do to experience a breakthrough in every area of your life.

Discover Your Purpose Factor®

The 4-Step Method so good the “other guys” try to claim it’s theirs. Get ready to get more clarity on your purpose than you ever thought possible and use it to live the life you want.

Determine Your “Who”

The System you need to turn your purpose into your dream job, apply it to your current job, and live the life others want to emulate.

Develop Purpose Factor® Goals 

The singular path to living a life of significance, minimize regret, and stop wasting time on useless (and distracting) efforts. 

You're in good company

Join the growing community of leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, and parents escaping mediocrity and choosing to live their lives on purpose. 

CJ King
From Laid Off to $50,000 per MONTH

The month before CJ started Purpose Mastery, he had told his boss that his goal was to make $50k in year. That was right before that same boss laid him off. He was frustrated because he had, for once, liked the job he had. In the tension of that transition was when CJ started with Purpose Mastery. After getting exact clarity on his Purpose and how to leverage it to systematically build his apparel business (what had been his side-hustle), he went from wanting to earn $50k in a year to earning $50,000 in a MONTH after just one month in the Purpose Mastery experience.

Grace Johnson
From Assistant to The United Nations

Grace Johnson was stuck and she knew it. She enjoyed her job as a high level assistant, but wanted to be a part of something bigger than herself. After discovering her purpose with Brian and Gabrielle, Grace’s life changed in a matter of weeks. She applied to a master’s program at Oxford University (a lifelong dream) - and got accepted with a scholarship! After discovering her exact purpose, Grace was asked to moved to Rome to work with the World Food Programme, met her dream man, and got married! If you ask Grace what happened, she will tell you it all came into place when she learned her exact purpose and gave herself permission to pursue it. 

Mary David
From Local Prosecutor to National Expert

Mary was working as a public prosecutor. It was meaningful work, but Mary knew that she had more to offer than just putting away bad guys. Others thought she was crazy, but she had a vision of using her passion for the arts to raise awareness of human trafficking. After working with Brian and Gabrielle, Mary gave herself permission to pivot her expertise in law to work with the arts commuity in Hollywood to develop programming on human trafficking. What she thought was once “just a dream” is now her daily life! 

Vinciane Ngomsi
From Layoff to NFL Reporter

Vinciane had a very clear view of what she wanted to do - but had no idea how to get there. After an unexpected layoff, Vinciane decided to embrace the timing and set out of her dream. After working with Brian and Gabrielle, Vinciane was able to articulate her value in ways she was never able to before. She reinvented herself and established her expertise as a sports commentator and brand expert, and she is now living her dream life working with major sports brands and players! 

Paulo Sibaja
From Job Transition to National Expert

Paulo considered starting a business, but was never sure about when it would be a good time. He wanted to write a book too, but that seemed like a daunting task - especially when his top priority was getting out of debt. After getting clarity about his purpose, who he can help, and how he can help them, Paulo was able to launch his successful business, write his book, and get booked on major news broadcasts for his expertise! For Paulo, his success exploded when he did more of one thing instead of getting distracted by the many. 

Matt Maynard
From Stuck to European Adventurist

Matt was enjoying his life and his career in structural engineering, but felt like there was something more. More impact. More meaning. More purpose. After working with Brian and Gabrielle, Matt got clarity about what he uniquely brought to the market. His confidence soared. He put in for a transfer to Europe and now does his same work with a better view, spending weekends traveling to the Alps and Roman cafes. 

Randy Wolken
From Wanting More to Author and CNBC

Randy was successful in his career. He had clear goals, but couldn't get clarity about how to achieve them. After working through the Purpose Mastery process, Randy had more clarity about his purpose than ever, reverse engineered a successful book launch, and was booked on national news outlets. He was able to (finally) translate his experience and expertise into a legacy. It was more than knowing what he “should” do. For Randy, the process provided him with clarity about how to do it, when to execute, and for how long. If you ask Randy, working with Brian saved him hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars trying things on his own. 

Ben Marciano
From #250 to Top 5 In The Country

Purpose Mastery set off massive transformation in Ben's life and business. At first, Ben enrolled in the program to help his own leadership skills. But as he started applying the principles to his own life, something big happened. Not only did he discover his exact purpose, his team discovered their purpose and started to care about people more than profit. As a result, his company experienced 66% year over year growth and, according to a national survey, they were ranked among the top 5 gyms in the nation for exceptional member experience!

Adam Akins
From Simply Existing to Really Living

Adam was in a personal crisis. He felt stuck, overwhelmed, and was tired of trying to fight it all alone. That was, until he started Purpose Mastery. After working through his Purpose, Adam gained incredible clarity about his priorities, was able to focus his time and attention on wealth-saving and wealth-building activities, and is now financially and emotionally thriving. His wife, his kids, and his community notice the difference Purpose Mastery can make. 

Design your life

Design your entire life how you want it - the income, influence, impact, and relationships that you want. Top performers and the most fulfilled don’t get there by accident. They have a plan and they follow the process. They invest in themselves, and their families, bank accounts, and communities are better because of it. 

Meet Brian and Gabrielle Bosché

Brian and Gabrielle Bosche have been called the “next generation's motivational titans.” They are bestselling authors, international speakers, and together, founded The Purpose Company. Brian and Gabrielle have personally worked with celebrities, United States military officials, presidential campaigns, and Fortune 500 companies.

Praise for Brian and Gabrielle's Work

"Living passionately on-purpose and committed to your purpose makes live thrillingly worthwhile, enjoyable, and meaningful. This ... will get your purposefulness to become a white hot desire that has you rise higher and higher."

–Mark Victor Hansen, Coauthor for the Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Series

“This ... will change your life forever. It shows you how to become absolutely clear about who you are, what you really want, and how to achieve all your goals.”

–Brian Tracy, Bestselling Author and Personal Development Legend

“One of Napoleon Hill's most important principles was having a major definite purpose and great leaders know their purpose. Brian and Gabrielle bring new clarity, strategy and insight to the subject of purpose.”

–Don Green, Executive Director of The Napoleon Hill Foundation

Watch the TEDx Talk, "Why Your Purpose is Your Permission"

Brian Bosché and Gabrielle Bosché Have Worked With Leaders From Major Companies Like:

Need to know more about what Purpose Mastery can do for you?
Click here to get your free training. 

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